You simply link the app to Gmail and every time you start writing a message it tells you what sort of approach will go down best with the recipient. 你只需要把这款应用连接到你的Gmail上,每次你开始写信的时候,它就会告诉你什么样的风格最适合你的收件人。
Nobody's made a direct link yet, but at this stage you have to be concerned about that sort of thing, the possibility. 没有人能推出这其中直接的联系,但到了这一步你不得不留意那档子事,我指的是可能性。
The steps of software development are: at first, link the database and auto-count the volume and the density of each encasement then sort descending the encasement according to the density. 软件的实现步骤为:首先连接数据库并据密度贪婪算法自动计算每件货物的体积、密度,然后将货物记录按密度降序排序。
The plane dimension chain is a key link to the calculation of technical dimension. This paper introduces a sort of method that changes plane dimension chain into line dimension chain, and adopts differential coefficient to calculate it. 平面尺寸链在工艺尺寸计算中是一个重要环节,介绍了一种平面尺寸链在计算时将其转化为直线尺寸链,然后按照全微分法进行计算的方法。
According to analysis, PageRank exits "topics drift", an improvement was proposed, considering the two factors of content based and link based. Improved PageRank was used to determine theme topic and sort search result. PageRank算法存在主题漂移的弊端,通过分析,提出一种改进方法,综合运用基于内容和基于链接两大因素。
About sorting for retrieval to the corresponding answer, we use the HITS algorithm based on link analysis to sort the search results in this article. We compute the similarity of the page with the problem and sort after HITS website and finally determine the answer pages sort. 在知识服务方面,本文利用基于链接分析的HITS算法来对检索结果进行排序,并且对经过HITS排序的网页再通过计算页面与问题的相似度来最终确定答案贝面的排序。